Zero Risk Bias
A 10% chance of completion sounds wayyyy better than a 90% chance of failure.
Not saying that accidents dont happen. But i never buy the rental car companys extra insurance. I bought tix to the CBU vs GCU basketball game and they wanted to charge me another $7 to protect the purchase if something happened. Nope.
We want to be certain. Thats what zero-risk bias is. We want to have alllll the info before we make the first move. Accidents do happen. How many times have you driven and nothing happened? If you knew that its always a 50% chance that you could get in a fatal car accident, would you be a willy nilly to hop in the car?
There is 0 chance that i will get in a DUI because i dont drink. There is a small chance that anyone will get in a DUI if they had a beer 3hrs before hitting the road, but it’s still a chance, its not zero.
Wise, successful people say, “don’t worry about making the right decision, make the decision and make it right”
Let’s get 1% better everyday