tumblr tho

Why Tumblr is my fav social network.

Joseph Blackman
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

I’m currently 30 years old. Tumblr has an average user age of 21yrs old. It resonates with me more because I feel that the users are more intriguing. It is mainly pictures being blogged and re-blogged. If there is ever a text post it usually speaks to current issues.

Facebook and Instagram are being monetized heavily by users looking to make money and advance their lives. I feel that Tumblr has a bunch of people who like to look at cool things and re-post cool thoughts. Whenever I re-blog something I don’t have to put a “share” or “like” or any of that. I can just add it to my blogroll. These are things that I like and may want to see again so I reblog it.

I rarely create new content for Tumblr. Nobody can see how many followers one has so it adds to the mystique. I’ve been on it for about 6 years and I may go months or even a year without looking at it, but when I do it is refreshing. Instagram has that “social” aspect about it, getting people to creep on eachother and compare lives. Tumblr posts are mainly reblogged so it allows everyone to be more of a curator than a creator. It’s like having a vision board or scrap-booking.

Tumblr got bought by Yahoo. Probably not the best for Tumblr but they haven’t seem to change too much after the acquisition. Eager to see what Tumblr has for us in the future. I just want to see cool stuff and be anonymous.

Let’s get 1% better everyday



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