Why leadership and management skills help in all relationships.

Joseph Blackman
2 min readMar 23, 2018


The second or third time I went to pick up a friend for an event something magical happened. I showed up on time! So magical because i’m usually a few mins off if theres no hard start time. But I showed up on time for our outings and she praised me for it. The praise did something to me on the inside. It made me want to perform more. made me seek more positive praise. She told me that being on time made her happy, so I wanted to be on time more to get that dopamine rush of praise again. Classical conditioning.

The currency for children is attention. They first act good for attention, if not enough, they act bad, if still not enough they act like something else, which is the worst. If they get more attention from something bad than doing good, guess what, they will continue to do bad things to garner attention from you. Do you want to condition someone to do bad things so they can get attention from you?

Know what motivates people. We either run from pain or run to pleasure. So your management style should be either the stick or the carrot. The stick threatens to whack you to get you in motion. The carrot motivates you to chase proactively.

Learn to speak to people on their level and in their language. Just because you have it figured out in your Head doesn’t mean you can get it across your way. Try to use their language to get it across and you will have better results.

Read 2 leadership books a year and 1 management book and you will pick up certain tools that help out in your daily interactions. There is no instruction manual for people but if we learn what worked for others in the past we can apply it to our future.

Lets get 1% better everyday.

Follow me on instagram @gijoey6 cuz i bought a new shirt today.



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