What happens in Vegas does NOT stay in Vegas
Yea yea yea we heard it all before “what happened is Vegas stay in Vegas” right. The last time I went to Vegas we went to Momofuku, a nice Japanese restaurant in the Cosmopolitan hotel. We actually went there twice in the same trip because it was soooo good! I will never look at a pork bun the same again, also chicken katsu. This was my first time tasting chicken katsu and the pork but so now if I ever see one on the menu locally I will order it.
STD’s can come back with ya from Vegas baby. Being rejected by women for a whole weekend can kill your ego and that comes back with you. That strip-club experience and that loss or gain of money on the blackjack table comes back with you. These things don’t stay in Vegas.
When a husband cheats on his wife and comes back from Vegas std free there is still part of him that knows deep down inside that he cheated in Vegas. When he kisses her for the first time he will have that thought in the back of his head. When he has sex with her upon return it will still be in his mind. If his kiss is normally a 88% kiss, it will now be a 85% moving forward. And he keeps this type of stuff up, 10 years down the road his kisses and affection towards his spouse will be in the 50th percentile or lower. These moments compound. My mind has been forever changed on the yumminess of chicken katsu and it will stick with me forever. One harmless lay with a rando in Vegas will stick with you, forever. You might think you got away with it because she didn’t find out, but you know, and now whenever Vegas comes up in conversation that random lay will pop up and the convo goes from the normal 100% to 92%. She won’t notice, but do it enough and it will come out in the wash.
Vegas is super fun. It’s an adult playground, they do a great job at getting my money and i’m all for it. The person you are on the strip is the same person you are in Walnut Creek California. If you did it there than you will most likely do it here.
Let’s get 1% better everyday.
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