Watch more short films
For the last 3 years i watched the Oscar nominated short films. I shot a short film that won an award, actually 2 awards. Film is one of those things that i have gravitated to since college.
I took a marketing/advertising class in college and they had us start a blog. At the time, the “Flip” cameras were pretty hot and efficient so they had the class buy those so we could shoot and edit video. The first video i shot and edited left me addicted. But one thing i also noticed was how others would check my blog and watch my videos. The addiction conpounded and steamrolled into me shooting a video a week just to see if I could out-do the last one.
In my eyes, Short film packs a heavier punch than long format films. A 22 minute video leaves me with a heavier inpression than a 2 hr feature film. Im not sure why but here is my hypothesis:
Short films “cost” less to the viewer. When i use the term “cost” i mean it as the resources needed to consume it. When i want to buy a car that is priced at $100k i know that it will take 6months worth of work to be able to afford that car. And since i paid so much time effort and energy for that car i am not blown-away when that car goes fast and blows cool air conditioning. But when i sit down for a short film, i know its going to be less than 35 minutes so the “cost” is really really low. But when i consume the content and it leaves an impression on me i am stunned because the value far exceeds the “cost”.
Always be a producer instead of a consumer. Shoot/edit and upload your own short films. Watch the Oscar nominated shorts as well. Be great and let’s get 1% better everyday.
Follow me on instagram @gijoey6cuz aint no plan B