I’m more spiritual than I am religious. Ok
When a person says, “Im more spiritual than I am religious.”
Like. Ok. I get what youre saying. I mean. It makes sense what youre saying. I get it.
If you would allow me to explain spiritual real quick:
One that prays and reads the Bible and has an intimate relationship with God. But by themselves.
Ill try to explain religious:
One that follow the “rules” of the Bible and is held accountable by either God or the construct of their religion.
When I think of the “Spiritual” person i can see someone who lives their live in subjectivity. They dont like being held accountable. They would rather not set goals for fear of not reaching them.
If one steals, should we cut off their hand like they did in the Bible? Yes.
Accountability is what keeps the world from going crazy and using emotion over logic. There is nothing wrong with being Religious. It actually is a great practice for one who wants to sort out their life. Do we know if praying to the east for 5 times a day is better than praying 4 times a day to the south? No. But what i do know is that the person who is willing to hold themselves to something good for themselves is a better neighbor than someone who doesnt set or try to attain goals.
The structure of religion is like a workout plan. If you consume less calories than you burn a day, you will lose weight, no matter how you FEEL. And those who subject themselves to something factual end up in better shape than those who only go by how they feel.
Yes, you can overdo religion. But overdoing religion leaves the world in a better place overdoing spirituality.
Let’s get 1% better everyday.