Quantity for Quality
2 yrs ago I went to Maui with my gf and the sun was shining and the water was clear. Mosquitoes are pretty bad in Maui. Roaches in rental cars, tan lines, donuts and drop tops. Salt water makes me super ashy i need 2–3 coats of lotion.
Yea yea yea blah “Quality over Quantity”! You’ve heard it said before and may even have said it yourself. It makes people feel good when they can say “I prefer quality over quantity”. Ok cool bruv. Glad you are like everyone else on planet earth who likes quality over quantity. Two points for you. I would prefer 1 backpack that lasts me 15yrs vs two that last me 2 years. One great article is better than 10 sub-par articles. One Oscar award performance is sometimes better than 20 dollar-bin movies. Got it.
So here is where I start to question stuff. How does one get to quality? Some people don’t want to start anything because they are waiting for their product or service to be “quality.” They say, “I can’t put out this album because its not perfect yet.”
My gf and myself were playing golf with her friend in Maui. He’s a former olympian. Olympains approach things differently and they get different results than the rest of us mortals. Me and baba are bad at golf but he is a legit birdie/par golfer. I brought my clubs so I could get another rep and also to be able to claim “I played golf in Hawaii.” He was happy to join us. After the first 2 holes I noticed something, he was playing with 2 balls some holes even 3 balls. Interesting. Why would one play with more than one ball? I can’t hit my one ball on the fairway and he is hitting 2 trying to get the second ball in better position that the first. On a 18 hole course, avg par 4, you’re looking at 75 avg swings. I probably took 110 swings at the ball, he probably took 175 swings. So essentially he got twice as many “practice reps” than I did. If I was a betting man, I would bet on the man that practices twice as much as the his opponent.
So here is what I learned. You can’t get to Quality without going through Quantity.
If you want to be great at writing, write a ton, spend 10 mins on a article and do it once a day. Don’t spend 3hrs on one and only write one a week. Your voice and style will come through reps. The more I do crossfit, the more public speaking I do, the more I market my business, the better I get at it. If you wait your whole life to hit on that “special woman”, you won’t be able to perform well because you don’t have reps at it. Talk to people all the time to see what works for you. But when you do “double down on your reps” you are to deliberately tweak your formula to yield a better result the next time.
Do more to do better.
Let’s get 1% everyday.
follow me on ig @gijoey6 cuz im in Capetown lookin for capes around town.