crash and learn


Joseph Blackman


Lets brainstorm on how to ruin something.

I heard of this on a podcast. It was from Alex Hormozi. The guy crushes it with gym marketing.

We all know what a “post-mortem” is. Its when people figure out how someone died after they are dead.

A Pre-mortem is figureing out how something can die if certain things happen. Try this with your business, marriage, job etc. Sit down with those involved and come up with ways that your biz can fail. Dont reply to emails, dont answer the phone, dont pay your sales tax, sports-bet your marketing budget, piss off your employees by changing comp plans erratically, etc. In a marriage, ask your wife what it would take to sink the ship. Infidelity? No more motivation to attain more financially? Different beiliefs when it comes to raising children? Piss off the in-laws?

So now do you want to know how not to run your biz into the ground and run your marriage into the rocks? Dont do those things.

With weight loss, dont go 2 weeks consuming daily more calories than you burn and you will lose weight. You learned in your pre-mortem that if you stay in a caloric surplus you will end up fatter than you currently are. So dont do that.

Try this with almost everything that's pass/fail and you will see how to not fail.

Let’s get 1% better everyday

