G-code by Ryan Stewman
Pg 3 Lack of money is the root of all evil
Pg 18 The Reticular Activating System is the decision-making mechanism located inside your brain. Because of this mechanism, your brain is only good for a few thousand decisions every single day. Then it gets fatigued, just like any other muscle in your body
Pg 49 Most people wont focus on one task and complete it because theyre scared of completion. Theyre afraid that what they are making is going to suck…Theyre scared to finish one thing because of their fear of judgement; its easier and less painful to turn their efforts to their next project
Pg 65 A lot of people say that theyre not a morning person, but the reason theyre not a morning person is theyre not grateful to be alive, they dont have a grateful mindset. They havent experienced that gratitude of being able to wake up
Pg 94 Understand that you take today affect you in the future. its not what you did in the past that will affect you in the future; its what you do today thats going to impact your future
Pg 100 Your problems are not complicated. The way you think about your problems is complicated
Pg 118 Instead of eating a whole hamburger, eat half or maybe 3/4. Instead of eating a handful of fries, eat 2 or 3. If youre still hungry 20 or 30mins later, eat again. But chances are you wont be
Pg 136 Poor neighborhoods are full of poor decisions
Let’s get 1% better everyday