Cult Leader by George Hutton

Joseph Blackman
3 min readOct 19, 2020


-Allow People to Leave

  • Many cults (and MLM’s and even some legitimate businesses and religions) overtly encourage their members to go out to recruit new members. Consider the idea that the cult is where the members feel compelled to bring in new members on their own, without needing to be told to do so.
  • cults, or any other group, are only as bad as the sum total of the members, and the sum total of the behaviors as a group.
  • a happy cult is one where members do the recruiting for you, and that they feel they can leave at any time, but they don’t want to.
  • If you are unsure of yourself, you won’t be an effective cult leader. You’ll need to have unwavering self-confidence. Megalomaniac levels of self-confidence. Grandiose levels of self-confidence.
  • All human action is based on trade. If you can give people what they want, they will feel unconsciously driven to give you something in return. Most cult leaders fail because they begin to only demand from their cult members, without giving back in return.
  • All humans have weaknesses. If you accept and allow these weaknesses, and make it part of your cult environment, your cult will prosper.
  • One thing that a large portion of every society believes, and has done so since the dawn of time, is that they are on the verge of a great change, or a great collapse, or a great something. Getting ready for a big change is a key component of many cults and many great religions.
  • Being able to reference previous events throughout history, and make them relevant to your current cult members will make you a very effective leader.
  • The very definition of a problem is an outcome without a means of getting it.
  • Leaders are leaders in part because they can solve problems that others can’t.
  • You must be able to maintain the frame of every event and every conversation. Daily practice of frame control is therefore absolutely necessary.
  • Most humans are run by two governing principles, fear and laziness. It’s been said (by more than one historian) that the history of human achievement is of a scared and lazy people trying to invent easier and safer ways of living.
  • This is the prime reason people join cults. From the other members, and more importantly the leader, they feel better emotions than they do out in the world separate from the cult. It is your primary function to move their emotions, from negative emotions to more positive emotions, without them really needing to participate other than listening.
  • The way to use reciprocity effectively is to not make a conscious connection between the given favor and the asked-for favor. To do so would set up a feeling of “obligation,” and this can have a negative effect. When people do us favors, but we suspect they are doing them only so they can ask a favor of us later, we will resist the favor.
  • “coincidence of wants” problem. People can only use barter (trading one good for another) if each party wants what the other has.
  • No matter how far back you go in time, there has always been the idea that society is about to end.
  • Politicians have known since the dawn of time that one the secrets of getting elected is simply being able to accurately describe the problems of the voters.
  • Even scientists have recently discovered the easiest way to ensure a solid night’s rest is to have a worthy reason for getting up in the morning.

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